The Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) held its first quarterly meeting September 4–6, 2024, at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). On the first day, the delegation welcomed the new delegates and the group participated in an icebreaker, location updates, and a community agreements exercise.
The Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) held its final quarterly meeting June 5 - June 7, 2024, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. On the first day, the Delegation received Business Updates, Delegates participated in an open forum discussion involving staff mentoring and succession planning, Staff Assembly support during layoffs, accessibility for Staff Assembly functions, and political speech as UC staff.
The Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) is pleased to announce that its 2023-2024 workgroup reports have been published and are available to review and share. Additionally, the CUCSA Executive Board cordially invites you to join us for a town hall on July 9, where you are welcome to ask questions and engage in discussion about the workgroup findings and recommendations.
The Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) held its quarterly meeting February 28 - March 1, 2024, at the UC San Diego campus. On the first day, the Delegation received Business Updates, Delegates presented and voted on CUCSA Awards, and all were welcomed by Annika Nelson, Manager, at the UCSD Craft Center with a team building activity and tour.
The Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) held its quarterly meeting December 6-8, 2023, hosted by University of California Office of the President (UCOP) at the UC Path Center in Riverside.