
Executive Committee

The Staff Assembly Executive Committee is elected by voting members to further the objectives of Staff Assembly, make decisions on behalf of the organization, and ensure these decisions are carried out. Executive Committee members will spend one and two-year terms directing the various activities of Staff Assembly, representing staff interests with administration, and advancing initiatives that improve the staff experience on campus. In addition to their assigned duties governed by the Staff Assembly Bylaws, the Executive Committee supports each other’s work through collaboration and teamwork. View the 2032-2043 Executive Committee's goals.

Executive Committee Positions

  • Chair
  • (10-12 hours per week, more during weeks leading up to an event)

    The Chair of Staff Assembly serves as the leader of the Executive Committee and as the representative for staff at UC Davis. In addition to running the monthly meetings, the Staff Assembly Chair is responsible for representing all staff on campus committees, with UC Davis administration, and in the community.

    Essential Job Functions:
    - Preside at all regular and special meetings of the Staff Assembly and the Executive Board.
    - Shall have primary responsibility for assigning and supervising the workload of the Staff Assembly Coordinator.
    - In consultation with the Executive Board and General Assembly, set strategic initiatives for Staff Assembly.
    - Meet regularly with the Chancellor to discuss issues of importance to staff.
    - Attend monthly/quarterly/annual meetings with campus groups (HR, FOA, Ombuds, ADMAN, SDAAC, others).
    - When the Staff Assembly Chair is asked directly to serve on a committee or task force (i.e. Campus Community Council), the Chair will serve in said capacity or if possible, delegate to other SA leadership.
    - Serve as the Systems Access Administrator for all UCD Administrative systems.
    - When necessary, co-sign with the Finance Chair all orders for disbursement of funds as directed by the Staff Assembly or Executive Board, or shall designate an appropriate representative to serve instead.
    - Nominate, in consultation with the Executive Board, representatives to serve on all University committees when Staff Assembly representation is requested.
    - Attend and provide guidance and support for events where needed including TGFS, Breakfast with the Chancellor, and Aggie Explorations.

  • Chair Elect
  • (3-5 hours per week, more during weeks with general meetings or events)

    Essential Job Functions:

    The Chair Elect serves as the second in command on Staff Assembly and spends one year preparing to step into the Chair role. In addition to serving as the Chair when the Chair is unavailable, the Chair Elect oversees the various subcommittees that Staff Assembly facilitates throughout the year.
    - Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair in the absence of the Chair in accordance with these bylaws and serve as Chair-Elect.
    - In conjunction with the Chair, oversee the internal workings of Staff Assembly such as identifying and recruiting speakers and committee representatives.
    - Attend monthly/quarterly/annual meetings with campus groups (HR, FOA, Ombuds, ADMAN, others).
    - Sit on and attend other committee meetings as needed.
    - Support campus hiring of key staff-impacting roles by participating in recruitment advisory committees or attending special recruitment sessions.
    - Work with the individual committee chairs to manage the Citations of Excellence, Staff Scholarships, and Staff Dependent Scholarships process.
    - Meet regularly with the Chancellor to discuss issues of importance to staff.
    - Attend and provide support for events where needed including TGFS, Breakfast with the Chancellor, and Aggie Explorations.

  • Events Chair
  • The Event Chair oversees the planning and implementation of  events hosted by Staff Assembly every year, including Thank Goodness for Staff (TGFS), monthly meetings, Third Thursdays, and other employee engagement activities. The Events Chair may oversee an Events Committee to assist with the implementation of the various events.
  • Finance
  • (1-3 hours per week)
    The Finance Chair is responsible for the annual budget of for Staff Assembly. All budget and requisition requests go through the Finance Chair as they help Staff Assembly in their stewardship roles over gift funds and make strategic decisions about how we allocate our other funding, including the Thank Goodness for Staff (TGFS) event budget and planning oversight.

    Essential Job Functions:
    - Maintain the fiscal integrity of Staff Assembly’s funds in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the University and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
    - Provide Executive Committee with a budget for the fiscal year based on anticipated funding and projected expenditures.
    - Review Staff Assembly’s account activity on a monthly basis.
    - Review and approve financial expenditures.
    - Advise on the funding needs and requests from the various committee members.
    - Oversee scholarship funds received from various sources for final award disbursement.
  • Outreach and Marketing Chair
  • The Outreach and Marketing Chair recruits staff members to join Staff Assembly as well as helps identify individuals to run for leadership roles on the Executive Committee.
  • Member Engagement Chair
  • (3-5 hours per week, more approaching an event)
    The Member Engagement Chair develops an annual member engagement plan, analyzes participation data and coordinates events and initiatives to promote member engagement.

    Essential Job Functions:
    - Contribute biweekly Staff Voice content 
    - Aggie Explorations – department outreach, survey creation, attendee communication, day-of-coordination and attendance, post-event follow-up 
    - Breakfast with the Chancellor – outreach, survey, inquiries, bios, formatting, attendee communication, topic huddles, post-event feedback 
    - Attending and preparation for monthly meetings (General and SAEC)
    - Annual Report assembly 
    - Misc (New Employee Orientation Initiative, E-mail management, panels, etc) 
    - Website Maintenance for related events

  • Secretary
  • The Secretary provides oversight of the Staff Assembly bylaws and processes throughout the year. Additionally, they support the Membership chair in the recruitment of Executive Committee members and oversees the annual election of Executive Committee members. The secretary also collaborates with the Staff Assembly Coordinator in creating the Staff Assembly annual report.
  • Communications Chair
  • (1-2 hours per week)
    The Communications Chair provides content management and consultation on the  Staff Voice and the Staff Assembly website as well as strategic marketing and messaging advice for Staff Assembly initiatives.

    Essential Job Functions:
    - Support Staff Assembly Coordinator in managing the Staff Assembly web site and keeping all information up-to-date.
    - Edit and distribute the monthly Staff Assembly newsletter, curating content from other Executive Board members and other campus partners.
    - Sending other messages to the listserv and/or subscriber list via Mailchimp.
    - Attend Executive Board meetings, attend events, and participate in Staff Assembly events.The Staff Assembly Coordinator supports the Executive Committee with administrative support, event planning and meeting coordination. You may contact members of the Staff Assembly Executive Committee by emailing

2024-2025 Executive Committee

Executive Committee members direct the various activities of Staff Assembly, representing staff interests with administration, and advancing initiatives that improve the staff experience on campus. Terms of office begin on July 1, 2024.