Staff Voice, the publication of the UC Davis Staff Assembly, aims to keep staff informed of staff related initiatives, news, and events. The Staff Voice is published twice a month during the academic year and once a month in December and during the summer.
To submit an article to the Staff Voice, please complete the form on this page at least one week prior to the publish date of the issue. If this deadline isn’t met, your submission may be considered for publication in the next issue.
Content requirements and more information:
- Submissions must be related to UC Davis staff.
- Submissions must contain a title, date, and contact information.
- Please ensure your submission has been thoroughly proofed for spelling and grammar, and provides up-to-date, factual information. The Staff Voice team is not responsible for errors.
- Please ensure that your content is accessible. Meaning, among other things, that people using readers will be able to understand your article. Do not include information that is ONLY listed in a picture or graphic. For more information, see or
- Staff Assembly reserves the right to edit submissions.
- Staff Assembly reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of articles submitted for publication.