person sitting at desk with laptop

Remote Engagement Poll Results

We published a survey for the October 19, 2023 edition of Staff Voice and asked staff the following questions:

  • Considering both your current and ideal working arrangements, what has worked or not worked regarding department, campus, and community engagement?
  • Considering both your current and ideal working arrangements, what does department, campus, and community engagement look like to you?

Survey says – inconclusive!

To every staff reaction we received about what works and what doesn’t work and defining ideal community engagement, we received an equal and opposite reaction from other staff.

  • Examples of community engagement that have worked well included: valuable opportunities coupled with whole unit participation during in-office days, flexibility from management, and transparency for events and colleagues’ schedules.
  • Examples of community engagement that have not worked well included: scheduling engagement opportunities that conflict with hybrid work schedules, lack of engagement opportunities leading to feelings of isolation, and lack of flexibility from management.
  • Common themes of staff-defined community engagement included: cross-collaboration between units, meaningful and transparent unit meetings/gatherings, flexibility from management, a welcoming environment, more remote/hybrid options, and general satisfaction with the current levels of community engagement offered.

We received 63 responses, in addition to the population statistics below.

How many days per week do you work remotely?

The most common remote work arrangement was 2 days/week remote work. The least common remote work arrangement was 4 days/week remote work.

How many days per week do you work remotely?

Ideally, how many days per week would you work remotely?

The most common ideal remote work arrangement was fully remote work. The least common ideal work arrangement was fully in-person.

Ideally, how many days per week would you work remotely?

What is your age group?

The most common age group was 31-40. The least common age group was 60+.

age group

How many years of service do you have with the University of California?

The most common years of service in the University of California was 1-5 years. The least common years of service in the University of California was tied between 11-20 and 21-30 years.

years of service

At UC Davis Staff Assembly, we are committed to enhancing the well-being, representing the interests, and celebrating the diversity of our staff, campus, and the University of California as a whole. Thank you to all who participated in our survey! We chose three winning participants at random to receive UC Davis Staff swag. Congratulations to our winners!

Primary Category