Summary of Bylaws Changes approved May 1, 2015

Summary of bylaws changes approved May 1, 2015


  • Changes to the Executive Committee
    • Removing the two at-large positions and replacing them with a Finance Chair and an Events Chair.
    • Instituting a Chair Elect position for the purposes of succession planning. Currently, our Vice Chair does not automatically succeed the Chair, which does not conform to the practices of any other Staff Assembly in the UC system, nor does it allow us to effectively train the incoming Chair for the duties with which they will be charged.
  • Conflict resolution and removal from Executive Committee
    • In order to fairly resolve any potential conflicts among members of the Executive Committee, and at the request of the Council of UC Staff Assemblies, we have proposed some language and procedures related to conflict resolution.
    • We have proposed some language outlining the procedures the Executive Committee would follow if they felt it was in the best interest of Staff Assembly to remove one of its members.
  • Committee attendance
    • We have proposed some language outlining expectations for committee attendance with respect to excused and unexcused absences.