Event Date
Feeling batty? Its time to get this fall season startled— I mean, started... Staff Assembly invites you to partake in our Halloween Contest Spook-tacular! Starting Monday, October 23 through Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Staff Assembly is searching for submissions of uniquely fa-boo-lous decorated office spaces and bewitching costumes! Winners will receive bragging rights, recognition in Staff Voice and social media as well as a treat of a prize! Please review the categories and rules below to participate.
Costume (individual or team)
- Staff Choice (overall best)
- Funniest/Cutest
- Scariest
- Most Creative
Office Decoration (department, individual cubicle, or home office)
- Staff Choice (overall best)
- Funniest/Cutest
- Scariest
- Most Creative
- Maximum 3 photo or video submissions per category by individual, office/team(group photos). Pick your best 3 photos.
- No photoshop • No photo-illustration • No extensive retouching • No graphic filters.
- Acceptable adjustments: Levels, brightness, contrast, curves, exposure, desaturate, Instagram filters, VSCO filters etc.
- Unacceptable extensive retouching -Example: Recoloring skin, photoshopping additional elements into photos, distorting, skewing, rotating, scaling, warping, perspective changing, or applying filters with graphic/animated elements (e.g. Snapshot / Instagram / Facebook / TikTok / etc.).
- Please provide a caption of your submission including your photo theme, any personal Facebook or Instagram tags you would like us to include, and the department or individuals in or responsible for the photo. (We need to know who to grant the prize to if you win.)
Remember: avoid cultural appropriation in your costumes. Read a message from the UC Davis Cross Cultural Center on Halloween & Cultural Sensitivity to learn more.
Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 1.
Upon the closing of the submission deadline voting will be open from November 3-10 with the winners being announced in the November 16 Staff Voice Issue.